B & C has answered many questions since 1988.
These are the most common.
How much does a remote starter cost?
Basic vehicles are $200. Vehicles with key transponders are $275. Call or visit for an exact price.
Will a remote starter void my warranty?
ABSOLUTELY NOT. Aftermarket electronic equipment has NO EFFECT on your vehicle warranty. If anyone tells you that it does, you should refer them to the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act of 1975 and then report them to the Federal Trade Commission.

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Can B&C install MY audio equipment into my car?
Yes! B & C has been doing that for over 35 years! Bring your equipment AND your vehicle to our shop so we can look at it. We can recommend what's needed and we likely have the parts.
Can manual transmission vehicles get a remote start?
Yes! Vehicles with a manual transmission CAN have a remote starter installed. They do require a fuel injected engine. Additional parts and labor are required so they cost more.
Can I buy a remote starter as a gift?
Yes! Remote Starters with lifetime warranties make great gifts. Call or visit us for an exact price. Simply visit B & C to prepay and we will issue you a gift certificate. The recipient can call to schedule an appointment. We can even install the remote starter as a suprise.
Why doesn't my remote start work?
The most common reasons:
• weak or dead key fob batteries
• wires disturbed after recent service
• key fobs not talking to remote antenna
• remote start unit is in Valet Mode.
Bring your vehicle and all key fobs to B & C and let us fix it. Replacement key fob batteries are $5 each and include installation.
Why does my remote only works the locks & lights?
Your remote start system is likely in valet mode. Check the Owner's Manual you received when the unit was installed. Or simply stop by and let us fix it.
Can B & C improve my existing equipment?
Yes! Excellent sound quality comes from components that are sized, installed and configured properly. There are many adjustments on your equipment. If you want your current equipment to sound better, let us check it out. This is what our reputation is built on!
How long does the remote start installation take?
Remote start installations usually take from 30 to 90 minutes. You're welcome to wait in our waiting room or walk to nearby businesses. You can also use our secure night drop slot.
How quickly can I get an appointment?
In the summer months there's typically no wait - we can usually perform the work immediately, while you wait.
In the winter months, appointmentd are scheduled 2 to 4 weeks away. Saturday appointments are 4 to 6 weeks away.
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